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Win-Win Investing & Options Trading for Accelerated Profits BUNDLE


$34000.0090% off

This package is for the client who wants it all! It includes the Win-Win Investing Course AND Options Trading for Accelerated Profits.

The Win-Win Investing Virtual Course includes 5-day, 1-hour training sessions for learning to invest.
For Bonus #1, you also receive the 5-day, 1-hour Trader's Talk - the best place to get your questions answered! For Bonus #2, you get the Weekend Workshop, which includes Brokerage Basics, Pro Tips, and Retirement Accounts Revealed Recording. For Bonus #3, you receive a LIVE Q&A Session in a Follow-Up Training Session for any questions that may pop up after you start executing your investment plan. Here's what's included:
A Trading Recipe for Market Ups and Downs
Master List of Market Ingredients
Step-by-Step Directions
7 Steps to Managing Your Portfolio
Designing Your Trading Plan
Trading Journal
Tracking Sheets
... and More!!!
In addition to all the great benefits and features of Win-Win Investing, the next course provides TWO new recipes for trading options included in the Options Trading for Accelerated Profits. Here's what's additional:
Options Basics - 5 Days of Classes
Getting paid to buy stocks on sale!
Renting out your stocks for income
Two Option Trading Recipes
Trader's Talk & Follow-Up Training
... and More!!!
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